We’re putting the cafe project into gear this week, stay tuned for details and an upcoming kickstarter campaign! In the meantime check out the profile. Tell your friends! Especially if they know how to make excellent espresso and want to come to Battambang to train baristas! No seriously, do.
months Archives: September 2010
@rosshill in Kinyei’s open learning space
Last week visiting social media guy Ross Hill graced us with his presence and took a couple of afternoons out to introduce a few keen Battambang youths to the wonderful world of Twitter. You can check out how they’re all doing at the btbtweeps list.
This will be the fourth such workshop held in the space, following on from a visual storytelling series, a khmer poetry class and a (closed) child protection workshop for local NGO workers. It definitely shows us the idea is catching on. We’re starting to see more use by local groups for meetings and collaboration; the BDB hip-hop group have been frequenting and have a few things in the works with a film-making crew that have also been around having meetings. We’re really excited to see what will come out of it.
Open learning recognizes that everyone can be both teacher and student; everyone has some skill, some knowledge to impart. It is interactive, involves two-way communication, and requires self-motivation. Given the dynamic and talented Battambang community, we think the potential for open learning is awesome. We already have the minds, the knowledge, the thirst; Kinyei hopes to provide some impetus, some facilitation, and our open-learning space.
We hope these workshops keep coming, and that we can make Battambang a hub for informal education and idea sharing.
Kinyei’s open-learning space is available to anyone who wants to run a workshop. If you have skills or information to share (of course you do!), ranging from circuit wiring to bicycle repair to ballet classes, contact us.
info@kinyei.org https://www.kinyei.org/openlearning – for workshop calendar